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Vivendi, ATI double-team to show new HL2 footage

Half-Life 2 to get star treatment; will be shown in two show-floor theaters at E3.


At last year's E3, the hottest tickets on the show floor were the demos of Half-Life 2 and Halo 2, which were shown at the ATI and Microsoft booths, respectively. This year, ATI will be looking to bring in the crowds again with another look at Half-Life 2.

As with last year's showing, ATI will have a theater that's been set up to specifically show the game. The footage will be complemented by an additional showing at the Vivendi Universal Games booth. Both will feature the same footage from the anticipated but long-delayed sequel.

To skip the lines and view the demo at various assigned times throughout the day, E3 attendees can sign up for a Half-Life 2 Access Pass at the VU Games booth. Both booths will run the footage continuously throughout the day for general viewing.

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