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Video: Reflections on Tuesday's big news

So as the sun set on LA and Tuesday at E3, not many people actually noticed, because it's impossible to tell from inside whether or not it's night or day. It leads me to wonder if it's possible to work all through the night without realising it if you were deprived of a clock. But I...


So as the sun set on LA and Tuesday at E3, not many people actually noticed, because it's impossible to tell from inside whether or not it's night or day. It leads me to wonder if it's possible to work all through the night without realising it if you were deprived of a clock. But I digress.

Today saw the other 'big 2' show the world what they're doing right now (and for the next year or so) and it basically completed the picture that Sony began yesterday. Taking advantage of a mild evening, and a few spare moments, I popped out to record my impressions of the day's news.

At this point it's difficult on the whole to make any far-reaching predictions. Let's face it, videos of games are all well and good, but you can't take anything seriously until you gets your hands dirty. For some of the titles we're really looking forward to it'll be a while before anything's playable, but there'll be so much that is - like a sensory avalanche (and that's just the environment). Still, you can't help but be excited about it all.

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