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TV Ad Blitz

If you haven't started seeing commercials for and the games Battlezone, Quake II, Sin, Unreal, Vigilance, and Plane Crazy on your TV screen, you soon will.


If you haven't started seeing commercials for and the games Battlezone, Quake II, Sin, Unreal, Vigilance, and Plane Crazy on your TV screen, you soon will. and the @Home Network, which delivers high-speed Internet access via cable systems, have partnered for a 30-second "@Home Ignites" spot, which is slated to run on "gamer-oriented cable channels carried by @Home cable partners" beginning this week and continuing into 1999. The spots feature footage from the six above games played over

"Online gaming is all about the thrill of playing against live opponents, and television advertising communicates the thrill better than any other medium, short of actually playing the games," said Rich Pearson,'s director of marketing. "Our partnership with @Home is taking the online gaming category to the next level by providing gamers with exactly what they want: frag with no lag."

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