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Top THQ exec leaves post

Worldwide marketing boss Peter Dille, a six-year company veteran, resigns.


THQ today confirmed the departure of its senior vice president of worldwide marketing, Peter Dille (pictured at left). A THQ spokesperson told GameSpot that Dille "is leaving his post at THQ to pursue other opportunities."

Informed sources told GameSpot that Dille tendered his resignation on August 26, 2005, and added that Dille's departure was prompted by a change to the internal reporting structure at THQ. The source said had he stayed, Dille would have reported to Kelly Flock, THQ's new executive vice president of worldwide publishing hired last week.

In his role as SVP worldwide marketing, Dille reported to THQ CEO Brian Farrell.

Prior to his promotion to SVP, Dille had been THQ's vice president of marketing. And before joining THQ, Dille was senior director of product marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment America.

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