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Tolkien's Grandson Consulted On The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power

Showrunner Patrick McKay says Simon Tolkien's input proved to be extremely valuable to the process of making the show.


J.R.R. Tolkien's grandson, Simon Tolkien, was a creative consultant on Amazon's Lord of the Rings TV series, The Rings of Power. According to showrunners JD Payne and Patrick McKay, Tolkien's assistance proved to be essential to the TV show.

McKay told Entertainment Weekly, "His insights, attention to detail, and passion for both the characters and the overall architecture of The Rings of Power are woven throughout the pages of our story. Working with Simon has been the experience of a lifetime."

Simon Tolkien is the oldest son of the late Christopher Tolkien, who edited his father's posthumous work, including The Silmarillion. Simon Tolkien was a barrister in London for years before dropping that job to become an author. Some of his published works have included Orders from Berlin and The King of Diamonds.

Simon Tolkien said in a statement to EW, "I have enjoyed assisting Amazon Studios in connection with the series, and in particular providing input to JD Payne and Patrick McKay on matters including my grandfather's original writing."

The Rings of Power is set during the Second Age, long before the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Some characters from those works, however, will appear in the TV series, including Galadriel, Elrond, and Isildur.

McKay told EW in another interview that the aim for The Rings of Power was to go "way, way, way back" in Middle-earth history and find a story that could stand on its own as opposed to being a simple prequel that depicts the "younger version of the same world you knew."

"This was one that we felt hadn't been told on the level and the scale and with the depth that we felt it deserved," McKay said.

The Rings of Power premieres September 2 on Prime Video. Ahead of that, Amazon is celebrating the show this week at San Diego Comic-Con with a big event in Hall H that promises a new look at the series.

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