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Tokyo Extreme Racer 2 Heads to Dreamcast

Crave announces that the sequel to Tokyo Extreme Racer will ship in late 2000.


Crave Entertainment announced today that the sequel to Tokyo Extreme Racer would hit the Dreamcast in the fourth quarter of 2000. Crave says that improved graphics, head-to-head racing, and a larger collection of cars represent just the tip of the iceberg. The physics engine has been updated, 31 new cars have been thrown onto the track, and hundreds of opponents have been added. And because the game has four times as many parts for players' cars and more than six times more highway than the original, Crave feels that TXR2 is a worthy sequel. Martin Spiess, senior vice president of Crave's global marketing, says that in TXR2 players will find "over 100 miles of authentic Tokyo highway, all accurately mapped, interconnected, and featuring working entrance and exit ramps. The game includes seven different play modes, including quest, quick, free run, time attack, and auto cross. The quest mode employs a "battle naming system" (BNS), where the computer assigns you a nickname based on your battle time, top speed, top cornering speed, number of collisions, and enemy-blocking ratio."

We'll have more information on this title as it becomes available. Check out these early screens.

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