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Tokimemo, Beatmania Coming to GB

TOKYO - Two more solid titles make their way to Game Boy.


TOKYO - Tokimemo will be ported to the Game Boy and will weigh in at a hefty 32Mbits. The game will be divided into two separate carts.

And what about the news that Beatmania will be ported to Game Boy? Yes, this is also true. It will have 20 songs - ten from the original game and ten GB-exclusive tracks. The Game Boy version will also have an exclusive versus mode (which will utilize the link cable).

Some might think that the control will be tricky for the Game Boy. Lucky for you, you can choose a control scheme from three configs. Of course the game is compatible with Game Boy Color.

Beatmania GB will be released March 11 in Japan (MSRP is TBA). And for the people who are interested, the Tokimeki Memorial Pocket: Culture version and the Sports version will be released February 11 at 4,200 yen (about US$35) in Japan.

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