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Titan releases mini-documentary 'Roads'

The documentary focuses on the trials and tribulations of the former Orange esports roster that managed to reach 3rd place at last year's The International.


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Roads opens to the sound of thunderous applause, it's the sound of Titan defeating Mineski in a 4-0 sweep in the grand finals of last year's Asian Cyber Games. Created out of the majority of last TI's cinderella story Orange esports, Titan entered into Dota 2 with high expectations, and if there's one thing Roads decides to focus on the most, it's the difficulty of making sure that the main cast, Ng 'NWP' Wei Poon, Lee 'kYxY' Kong Yang, Chong 'Ohaiyo' Xin Khoo, Wai 'Net' Pern Lim and Joel 'XtiNcT' Chan Zhan Leong, strive towards the same goal.

The film lets the audience in on many of the inner dynamics of Titan, Net is especially featured to a larger extent throughout the entire 33-minute documentary, showing him discussing his fondness of cooking as well as his personal history with current DK star, and former team mate Chai 'Mushi' Yee Fung, who left the former Orange eSports roster for a spot in the aforementioned DK.

It also shows us the disappointments the team itself has had to endure throughout the past six months, almost have the film is devoted to their venture to Shanghai, China in order to participate in the second season of the WPC-ACE League, which Poon, before boarding their flight claims that "anything besides finishing last will be a victory, in my eyes."

Despite the, at times, grim realities the documentary decides to show, Roads ends with the same applause that greeted the viewer, Leong also explains that he is convinced that they are able to reach their dreams in returning to Seattle and claim the aegis in their own name.

Titan esports is the only directly invited team to The International 4 from South East Asia. With a prize pool exceeding $10 million, it is the biggest esports event to-date. It will take place between July 8-21.

Image Credit: Titan esports

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