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Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Will Have Funko Pops, T-Shirts, And Home Goods

Gearbox announces big plans to extend the Borderlands spin-off beyond gaming.


Like many games these days, Gearbox's new Borderlands spin-off Tiny Tina's Wonderlands will be supported by a range of "consumer products."

Gearbox and 2K Games have announced a deal with Retail Monster to "lead the global retailer and consumer products strategy" around the game going forward.

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Now Playing: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Full Presentation | Gearbox E3 2021

Retailer Monster will work with a variety of partners to support consumer products based on Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. You can expect to see toys, collectibles, apparel, accessories, home goods, publishing, and subscription boxes, Gearbox said.

There may also be "complementary categories and new partners" to be announced soon, Gearbox teased.

"We are thrilled to announce our strongest roster of partners for a new IP in Gearbox history," Gearbox's Sean Haran said. "Expanding Gearbox's IP outside of video games has been an exciting and rewarding frontier. With this fresh take on fantasy, we are pursuing ancillary partnerships that reflect our confidence in the broad appeal of this new title."

Some of the partners announced so far include the following:

  1. Mighty Jaxx: Global stylized collectibles
  2. Bioworld Merchandising: Apparel and home accessories
  3. Dark Horse Comics
  4. Funko: Pop! vinyl
  5. LootCrate: Dedicated “Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Crate” and inclusion in gaming crates

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is slated for release in early 2022 across console and PC. It's not the only upcoming game that has plans to extend beyond gaming, as Bandai Namco recently announced plans to push Elden Ring outside of games.

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