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Three Weeks and Counting for GT4

PS2 racing fans eagerly awaiting Gran Turismo 4 will only need to wait three more weeks. That's because Sony has officially announced a Feb. 22 release date for the driving game. While the game will hit American retail stores before the European release date of March 9 (sorry guys...), there's...


No Caption ProvidedPS2 racing fans eagerly awaiting Gran Turismo 4 will only need to wait three more weeks. That's because Sony has officially announced a Feb. 22 release date for the driving game. While the game will hit American retail stores before the European release date of March 9 (sorry guys...), there's still a full twenty days to go before we can get our hands on GT4.

In the meantime, check out our recent preview of the Japanese import version of the game and get your pre-orders in now.

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