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Three Developments From The Walking Dead "Not Tomorrow Yet" [SPOILERS]

If you like unpleasant scenes of murdering someone when they sleep, this episode is for you!


Rick, teamed up with Jesus and a couple people from Hilltop, head to The Saviors hideout to get back one of the members of the Hilltop, as well as wage an all-out war against a group of renegades who control the world through fear.

Warning: Spoilers for season 6, episode 12 of The Walking Dead, "Not Tomorrow Yet," will be discussed below.

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Morgan is Against the War on The Saviors

Rick calls together those left at Alexandria to discuss whether or not they should go after the Saviors, in order to get a trade deal with Hilltop. While the majority of the team is for heading into war, Morgan is against it. Morgan has gone through quite a few life changes since Rick first met him in season one, including becoming a pacifist, not even ending walkers.

The look on Morgan's face, when everyone decides to go into battle, says it all. This could cause trouble later down the road, as Morgan doesn't agree with how Rick is running things, from time to time. If Morgan gets others on his side, this could result in a mutiny or the group splitting up. To make matters worse, others in the group want Morgan gone, for not taking the stand with the rest of the team.

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Alexandria's Attack

Alexandria hasn't had to deal with The Saviors yet, but the people at Hilltop have helped convinced the group that they need to take action. What follows is one of the most brutal and violent sequences in the history of The Walking Dead. Rick and his group head into The Saviors' stronghold and kill them with knives to their head during their sleep.

Things don't stay quiet too long as one of The Saviors see these murders happening and pulls an alarm. A gun battle blazes in the halls of the base and The Saviors are exterminated in a bloody and horrific battle.

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The Saviors End Up Taking Carol and Maggie

After Rick and company leave the Saviors compound, they find one more member of the group, trying to escape. After taking him down, alive, his walkie-talkie goes off and the person on the other end says they have Maggie and Carol in their custody, who were waiting on the outside, by the cars. Everyone in the Alexandria/Hilltop group made it out alive, but it's never that easy.

With tensions so high in the group, they may not be thinking clearly and letting their emotions take over, which could be a bad thing. When it comes to Maggie, Glenn will go to any lengths to save his wife, so this puts them in quite the pickle.

Here's this week's most disturbing moment!
Here's this week's most disturbing moment!

"Not Tomorrow Yet" leaves a bittersweet taste in the viewer's mouth. Fans of the comic book series know that the level of brutality the people of Hilltop and Alexandria show The Saviors is necessary, but that's not conveyed as well during this season. Rick's speech in the church does give the audience an idea of why what they're doing is right, but it doesn't deliver the urgency it should. Regardless, this group's actions will not go unnoticed. The level of savagery they displayed while attacking the Saviors was intense, and it's obvious that the repercussions for that will be at the same level or worse. What's scariest about this is that the Saviors have both Carol and Maggie captive.

Alexandria and Hilltop have taken on what comic fans know as one of the more terrifying groups that Rick Grimes has ever come up against. What's interesting about the story, thus far, is that Negan, the leader of the Saviors, still hasn't made his grand entrance yet. The tension is building and fans are dying to see the man in charge of this group. What's he going to do once he sees Rick and company has done to his Saviors?

While the battle at the Saviors base was the highlight of the episode, the audience needs to keep Morgan in mind, as he could become a problem for Rick, since he didn't agree with Rick's plan. This could be the start of a splinter group or Morgan eventually being shunned from the town.

Next week should be the week to watch, as there will be a standoff between the groups, negotiating the trade of Carol and Maggie for the living member of the Saviors. Could this be the week that Negan shows up? What about Morgan? How soon before things boil over with him?

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