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THQ Officially Announces MTV Sports Skateboarding

The recent run of skateboarding games continue with THQ's latest entry, as the company releases more details on MTV Sports Skateboarding.


THQ released more information today concerning its upcoming title MTV Sports: Skateboarding for the Dreamcast, PlayStation, PC, and Game Boy Color. Players can choose from up to 20 different skateboarders, with each possessing distinct signature moves and tricks. Twenty varying types of environments are selectable, each with different terrains and weather conditions. There will be more than 60 tricks in the game, all of which can be linked to different combinations for thousands of variations. The title will also feature six multiplayer modes, including 'battle', 'tag', 'time trial', and 'bomb'. A tutorial mode, "skating boot camp," will help newbies master the intricacies of riding the virtual boards. THQ also promises music from some of MTV's most popular bands as background music. "With [skateboarding] participation up more than 80 percent in the last two years amounting to approximately 9.5 million riders in the U.S. alone, now is the ideal time to launch a truly advanced skateboarding game," says Michael Rubinelli, vice president of development for THQ.

Developed by Yellow Belly, this new jump-and-grind title is scheduled for a late Spring 2000 release.

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