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TH*Q Hits the Road

When TH*Q has games, they show us first. Here are screens and a movie from its upcoming lineup.


On Monday, TH*Q showed us its upcoming lineup of games. Have a read and peek at screens and a movie.

WCW vs. NWO: World Tour - This N64 wrestling game will have Rumble Pak support as well as four-player simultaneous action. The game takes a page out of the book of THQ's past wrestling title, WCW vs. The World, in that most of the game's wrestlers are from other, foreign federations. Over 20 WCW and NWO wrestlers will be in the game. World Tour's big feature is the ability to have wrestlers "change sides" from the WCW to NWO and vice-versa. It will ship in November.

Bravo Air Race - Similar to other racing games, only this one is airborne. Players get in the cockpit of a plane and race through canyons, cities, and other obstacles. The game moves nice and fast and is shipping in September.

Ghost in the Shell - Based on the anime of the same name, Ghost in the Shell puts the player at the controls of a Fukochima, a one-man tank. The tank scurries about, blasting anything in its way. There are 12 levels, and 10 minutes of original animation produced especially for the game. Ghost in the Shell hits shelves in October.

Ray Tracers - Ray Tracers is an unofficial sequel to Taito's arcade driver, Chase H.Q. In Ray Tracers, the end bosses aren't small-time criminals in fast cars. The bosses in this game drive huge machines of war, including large tanks, hummers, and helicopters. The action is fast moving, and the frame rate moves even faster. The graphics and animation in Ray Tracers are really spectacular. Look for it in stores this November.

Vs. - Vs. is THQ's first original fighting game, and it's coming from the makers of the Japanese fighter, Fighters' Impact. The game revolves around gangs and turf wars. The characters range from Rave DJ Mia to Slim Daddy, a self-described "businessman." The soundtrack is chock full of real bands, including Razed in Black, Lose Infernos, Suicide Machines, and Pigs In Space. Vs. will be available this November.

WCW Nitro - THQ's most popular license is by far its WCW games. WCW Nitro promises to capture all of the insanity, music, and moves of WCW's popular Monday night show. The characters include "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, Sting, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Giant, Diamond Dallas Page, Ric Flair, Lex Lugar, Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall,, Syxx, Booker T, Stevie Ray, Deam Malenko, Eddy Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and more. The main feature of WCW Nitro includes run-in characters that disrupt the match (players will be able to control the run-in character if their selected wrestler is down). WCW Nitro comes out in November.

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