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Thorin's Theories - A Statistical Investigation of CLG

Thorin takes a look at some stats to break down CLG's effectiveness this split by looking at their playstyle, champion pool, early and mid game, and Seraph.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

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The Statistics:

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Data collected with help by the onGamers Stats team: Derek 'Kathix' Adams, Jesse 'JALbert' Albert, Steven 'whedgehead' Falgout, Kent 'Traepoint' Frasure, Christoph "geilerHarry" Lansmann, Jake Morales,James 'PelkaSupaFresh' Pelkey, and José "Vodkita" Ribeiro. Design by Ben 'Sarcasmappreciated' Li.

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