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The SpaceBar Opens for Business

The sci-fi adventure developed by Rocket Science Games, Boffo Games, and Steve Meretzky is released.


SegaSoft is currently shipping The SpaceBar, the sci-fi adventure developed by Rocket Science Games, Boffo Games, and Steve Meretzky.

Completed several months ago, the game was, for a time, very much in peril when Rocket Science (purchased by SegaSoft last summer) shut down. In fact, developers of The Space Bar were rumored to be shopping the title around to other publishers as recently as April.

As Alias Node, players solve a murder mystery by picking up clues in a spaceport bar frequented by a motley crew of aliens. The game's art direction was led by Ron Cobb, the production designer responsible for the Star Wars cantina scene in Star Wars, and Meretzky's signature offbeat humor permeates the game.

The Space Bar is available for Windows 95 and Mac CD-ROM for a MSRP of US$49.99.

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