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The oldest competitive Dota player in Jiang 'YYF' Cen has announced his retirement

The post-TI roster shuffle is officially in full swing, and one of the first shuffles comes from Chinese powerhouse iG, as YYF will no longer be competing with the team.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

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Having risen to prominence together with LGD in 2010, YYF became one of the staple names of Chinese competitive Dota. He had to sit out the first-ever International due to joining iG after having been invited to the tournament while he was still part of the LGD roster, but the following year he managed to achieve victory in Seattle together with his new team mates and became the second ever TI champions.

Following their victory at TI2, YYF together with iG managed to win the 2012 World Cyber Games, as well as the 2012 season of G-League, making them one of the most successful teams in Chinese Dota history.

Cen made his decision to retire public on his personal Weibo, where he released the following statement:

From joining LGD in the beginning of 2010, to iG now, through my four year professional career I've experienced all aspects of life. Along the way, there have been the pains of defeat, and the joys of achieving dreams at TI2. Though these four years have not been perfect, there are no regrets, thank you to my teammates for accompanying me throughout, and thank you to the fans for their support. Retirement is one type of ending, and is also a new beginning, I will remain in the esports scene to fight for my next goal, I hope everyone will continue to support me. :)

Who iG will chose to replace the elder with is still unknown.

Photo Credit: Invictus Gaming, Valve

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