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The Last Of Us Riley Actress Storm Reid Discusses Heartbreaking Episode 7

Storm Reid shares her thoughts on the events of the newest episode.


The newest episode of HBO's The Last of Us is an adaptation of the game's Left Behind DLC, and it was majorly heartbreaking. Storm Reid, who plays Riley, spoke about the episode in a new interview with Collider in which she discussed a key scene with Ellie (Bella Ramsey) and offered up her thoughts on an alternate future for Riley and Bella. This story contains major spoilers.

In the episode, Riley takes Ellie on a trip to a local Boston mall and treats her to a wonderful night out before Riley plans to take off with the Fireflies, never to see Ellie again. The two have a grand time together, riding a carousel and playing arcade games. They eventually end up in a Halloween store, where they dance together and eventually kiss. Immediately after this, an infected attacks them, and both Riley and Ellie are bitten. Riley then presents Ellie with "two options" for what to do next, including taking the easy way out with her pistol or living the rest of their days together, however long that may be.

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Now Playing: The Last Of Us Episode 7 Breakdown: Ellie And Riley Flashback | Left Behind DLC

Reid told Collider, "Of course, we wanted to serve justice to that scene, and didn't want to alter it in any way. But it was emotional, and I think we had to respect each other and respect each other's emotions, and listen to each other. I think that scene was big on listening."

Reid said the scene was "beautiful" and "heartbreaking." It was also one of the last scenes that Reid and Ramsey filmed together before Reid was due to leave the set. "We were sad to leave each other. I was about to leave Canada, but it was a great experience to be able to share that moment with Bella," Reid said.

Episode 7 does not clearly confirm what happens in the aftermath of both Riley and Ellie getting bitten. One theory is that Ellie kills Riley, as Ellie mentions to Joel (Pedro Pascal) later on that she has killed before. What we do know is Ellie survives because, as fate would have it, she is immune to the Cordyceps infection.

In the Collider interview, Reid discussed what Riley and Ellie's future might have been if they didn't get infected at the mall.

"I think they would've been the best of friends, whatever their relationship would've morphed into--we don't know--but I think Riley would've been by Ellie’s side, and would've protected her, and would've wanted to go on this journey to save each other. And I hate that it ended. I hate that it ended so early."

If you've watched it already, you should check out HBO's Inside the Episode, which takes viewers behind the scenes of the emotional chapter. Much of Episode 7 took place in an abandoned shopping mall, a set piece that the show's production designer spent a lot of time creating.

For more on the pivotal episode, you can watch GameSpot's and TV Guide's episode breakdown on The Chat With Us, our weekly post-show for The Last of Us.

There are two more episodes to come in The Last of Us Season 1, but fans needn't worry about the show coming to an end just yet, as Season 2 is in the works.

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