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The Gears Of War Movie Brings On Avatar, Armageddon Writer

Shane Salerno gets the gig.


A movie based on Gears of War has been in the works in some capacity for a very long time. It's now moving forward-- again--as producer Universal Pictures has found a screenwriter for the project.

Shane Salerno, whose credits include Armageddon and Shaft, will write the script for the film, according to Variety. Salerno is also on the writing team for James Cameron's four Avatar sequels.

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In October 2016, Microsoft confirmed that the Gears of War movie was in the works with Universal Pictures. The rights have switched hands, it seems, as The Lord of the Rings studio New Line Cinema purchased the rights to make a movie based on the game originally back in 2007.

At the October event, Gears of War boss Rod Fergusson said the goal for the film is not necessarily to copy over the story from a Gears game. Instead, Fergusson said they want to make the best Gears movie possible rather than one which is the most faithful to the games.

As of yet, there is no word on who will direct the untitled Gears of War movie or when it will premiere. Universal Pictures is a juggernaut in the film industry, responsible for franchises like Jurassic World, The Fast and the Furious, Minions, and others.

As for the Gears of War game series, Gears of War 4 was recently updated with new maps and more. You can see a full rundown of everything it comes with here on the Xbox Wire.

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