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The First Step Towards Mario Basketball?

And here we thought the news would slow down towards the end of the year. Take a look at this link over at EB Games for the next NBA Street title, NBA Street V3. Who's that we see in the top left-hand corner of the cover art? Looks like Mario, Luigi and Princess Peach to me. I guess there's a few...


No Caption ProvidedAnd here we thought the news would slow down towards the end of the year. Take a look at this link over at EB Games for the next NBA Street title, NBA Street V3. Who's that we see in the top left-hand corner of the cover art? Looks like Mario, Luigi and Princess Peach to me. I guess there's a few roster announcements left to be made about the GameCube version of the urban basketball title. Stay tuned for more coverage on this game in the very near future. In the meantime, think on this: Who's got more hops: Mario or Baron Davis?

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