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The Few, The Proud

Pocket Monster will join Zelda 64 and Mother 3 as a Nintendo 64DD title.


Pocket Monster 64, the third game in the popular Japanese Game Boy series, is slated to join Sim City 64, Mario Paint 64, and Mother 3 as a launch title for the now-delayed Nintendo 64DD system.

Pocket Monster is already a hugely successful Game Boy RPG series and even spawned an animated TV special that aired last month in Japan. Through the game, players breed, fight and trade monsters in order to complete the Monster Guidebook. The 64DD version is expected to have a similar objective, although it is not known how gamers will trade or store their monsters; it may be through the N64's controller memory pack or through part of the writable 64DD disk.

Other titles reportedly in development for the 64 disk drive system - though not specified as launch titles - include the DD version of Zelda 64, Super Mario 64 II, Super Mario RPG 2, Creator, and Unreal.

In related news, Nintendo of America confirmed that the Japanese release of Nintendo's 64 Disk Drive has been delayed to March of next year. NoA says to expect the new system to make it to US shores sometime after the Japanese release but before the end of 1998.

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