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Super Bowl Insanity Pt. 3: GameSpot Sports Style!

No matter what TV executives tell you, there's only one instance of "appointment television" per year: the Super Bowl. It's the one annual event that unites sports fans and sports phobics alike in front of the tube. Whether it's the commercials, the suddenly controversial halftime show, or *gasp!*...


No Caption ProvidedNo matter what TV executives tell you, there's only one instance of "appointment television" per year: the Super Bowl. It's the one annual event that unites sports fans and sports phobics alike in front of the tube. Whether it's the commercials, the suddenly controversial halftime show, or *gasp!* the game itself, there simply is no greater televised spectacle each year than the Super Bowl.

Super Bowl XXXIX will see a battle between Philadelphia and New England--cheesesteaks and chowder, if you will--in a game that some experts think will be a blowout for the Pats. At GameSpot Sports we've got our own set of experts, namely this year's NFL videogames: Madden NFL 2005 and ESPN NFL 2K5.

Throughout our simulated NFL playoffs series, we've seen amazingly accurate predictions (such as our 4-for-4 performance in the Wild Card round) and questionable calls (Jets over Steelers/Colts over Pats in the Divisional round). For our simulated Super Bowl, we decided to blow the doors out altogether and give the big game the proper treatment it deserves. So sit back, relax, and check out our extended video coverage of the games before THE game. The Vince Lombardi Trophy awaits, so check it out!

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