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Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks Making New Apple TV Plus Series

Plus, Apple reveals its internal studio, Masters.


Apple has announced its first in-house series, to be executive produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. The series is called Masters of the Air, based on the Donald L. Miller book of the same name, and follows the story of World War 2 bomber pilots. It will air exclusively on Apple TV Plus.

Variety reports that the limited drama series is being written by John Orloff (Band of Brothers), who is also co-executive producing. Band of Brothers was an awards success for HBO during its run starting in 2001, and this series appears to be looking to capture the same flavor of WW2 drama.

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Apple also announced that its internal studio will be called Masters. It will be headed up by Zack Van Amburg and Jamie Erlicht.

This is the second series from Spielberg coming to Apple TV Plus. The first, announced alongside Apple's initial reveal of the streaming service, is a reboot of Amazing Stories. It's based on the sci-fi pulp magazines that helped inspire Spielberg's own career as a storyteller. Several other exclusive shows are on the way with talent including Steve Carrell, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, Jason Mamoa, JJ Abrams, and Oprah.

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