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Stay Safe Online And Access Location-Blocked Content With The World’s Fastest VPN

HotSpot Shield provides ample protection with blazing fast speeds and military-grade encryption.

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Just like you shouldn't drive without a seatbelt on, you shouldn't browse the web without taking measures to ensure the safety of your personal data. With a subscription to HotSpot Shield VPN Premium, you'll be able to protect yourself without sacrificing browsing speed. Named “world's fastest VPN” two years in a row by Ookla’s Speedtest, HotSpot Shield's award-winning VPN protocol has military-grade encryption, preventing hackers, phishing sites, and malware from being able to break through and access your information.

Another benefit of HotSpot is the ability to switch your virtual location, with 115+ different options to choose from. This is especially useful when streaming on Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+, because these websites block certain TV shows and movies from specific markets but allow open access in others. By merely clicking one button, you'll never be at the mercy of these location-based restrictions again.

This anonymous, high-speed, unlimited bandwidth VPN can be yours for the next three years by purchasing a three-year subscription. You can get three years of protection from HotSpot Shield for just $90, just about eight cents a day. The potential for catastrophe which you open yourself up to by not protecting your information is high enough that it is simply a no-brainer to insure yourself against these sizable unrealized damages.

Price subject to change

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