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Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order Patch Coming Soon To PC, PS4, And Xbox One

The new update should address long loading times and incomplete textures.


Developer Respawn Entertainment's newly-released third-person action-adventure game, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, will receive a patch that will address texture pop-in, stuttering performance, and more.

On Jedi Fallen Order's official subreddit, a Star Wars community manager confirmed that the update is currently in the process of rolling out on PC, with PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to follow sometime this week. Full patch notes aren't available just yet, but the patch is said to take aim at the following areas:

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Now Playing: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Video Review

  • Fixed a texture flickering issue that would display on the screen while driving the AT-AT on Kashyyyk
  • Fixed an issue where the input from the arrow keys would sometimes fail to respond within menus.
  • Fixed an issue where Dynamic resolution settings would not save properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could become slow and loading times longer than expected.

Many users in the subreddit report a bevy of performance issues that impact gameplay, such as frames dropping consistently and texture pop-in causing the game to slow down. Publisher Electronic Arts and Respawn have not publicly commented on Jedi Fallen Order's performance issues, and it's unclear whether these fixes will be addressed in this week's PS4/XB1 patch.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order released on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game has garnered a fairly positive reception since its November 15 launch, with our own reviewer Phil Hornshaw saying, "Fallen Order represents one of the most compelling game additions to the Star Wars franchise in years." If you need more time to explore the game's multiple planets and paths, Respawn has you covered with a sick note from Cal Kestis' droid sidekick, BD-1.

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