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Stalker 2: Heart Of Chernobyl Delayed To December

The developers need more time for this one.


GSC Game World has announced that it has delayed the release of STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl to December 8, 2022. The game was previously planned to launch on April 28.

"These additional seven months of development are needed to fulfill our vision and achieve the desired state of the game," GSC says in a statement. "STALKER 2 is the biggest project in the history of GSC, and it requires thorough testing and polishing. We are convinced that development should take as long as necessary, especially in the case of such a project."

While it says the decision to delay the game was not an easy one, GSC wants to deliver an experience that will live up to players' expectations. The studio mentions that it will have more information and updates to share later this year.

STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl is launching on PC and Xbox Series X|S as a console exclusive, as well as coming to Xbox Game Pass on Day One. Microsoft reportedly only has a three-month exclusivity period for the game.

Last month, GSC World announced that the game was going to feature a metaverse and had plans to incorporate NFTs. However, due to fan backlash, the studio eventually retracted its statement and decided to cancel anything related to NFTs for STALKER 2.

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