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Sony Scores Vans License

SCEA inks deal with Vans to add extreme sporting to its PlayStation lineup.


Sony Computer Entertainment America has signed a joint sponsorship and licensing agreement with Vans Inc. SCEA will use Vans' properties such as Vans Triple Crown in upcoming PlayStation games.

The three-year agreement also gives Sony access to the athletes participating in the Vans Triple Crown Series extreme sporting events like skateboarding, snowboarding, wakeboarding, surfing, freestyle motocross, and BMX racing. Also, SCEA will become a primary sponsor of Vans Triple Crown Series events for the next two years with the option of continuing the contract for a third year. Other sponsors for the series of sporting events include Rolling Stone, Mountain Dew, and G-Shock.

"The Vans relationship further demonstrates our commitment to providing the PlayStation user with the widest array of innovative entertainment products, as the extreme sports category is one of the fastest-growing sports/lifestyle areas within our key demographic audience," said Andrew House, vice president of marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment America.

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