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SNK Confirms Western Withdrawal

GameSpot has learned further details on SNK's withdrawal from the US and European markets.


SNK Entertainment announced from Torrance, Calif. today that in an effort to regroup its worldwide marketing strategy the company has decided to stop all distribution of its NeoGeo Pocket Color hardware and software in North America and Europe. All further distribution of Dreamcast and PlayStation titles will also be cancelled. Retailers are being asked to return any of their unsold inventory for a full reimbursement. However, according to SNK, customer-support lines for consumers will continue to operate.

"Our first priority is to ensure that our retailers and partners are comfortable and clear of merchandise," said Ben Herman, vice president of sales for SNK Entertainment. "We do not want to burn any bridges for possible future US initiatives. We're not completely closing up shop, turning off our phones in the middle of the night, and leaving town. Customers with hardware and software still under valid warranty will be able to call (877)-PLAY-SNK for exchanges."

Herman did not comment on the scores of SNK consumers who will be upset with SNK's decision, because there will be no more games released for owners of the NeoGeo Pocket Color in North America and Europe.

SNK, along with parent company Aruze, will continue to market and distribute NeoGeo Pocket Color hardware and software in Japan. The company will also develop new titles for next-generation home consoles, but according to a SNK PR representative, the games will be released "only in Japan." However, SNK/Aruze is looking into licensing those upcoming games to third-party publishers for US distribution.

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