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Simon & Schuster & MTV

MTV's Daria will be making the trip over to the PC and the PlayStation.


Viacom divisions MTV and Simon & Schuster Interactive announced Wednesday that they will team up to produce PC and PlayStation titles for the show Daria - a more intelligent spin-off of Beavis and Butt-head - for a period of five years.

The first title, due out in October, is called Daria's Sick, Sad Life Planner. It's a day-planner, calendar, address book, and journal interspersed with Daria's life, even video and audio clips, written by Daria television-show writer Peter Elwell.

"Daria joins our growing list of Viacom-created brands that we're leveraging into successful new media formats," said Gilles Dana, senior vice president and publisher of Simon & Schuster New Media. "We're looking forward to bringing other MTV brands to the PC, Mac and PlayStation formats next year."

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