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Sega to Broker Yahoo! Brand

Eyeing the multi-billion dollar potential, Yahoo! turns to a Sega of America to peddle its brand to a world hungry for trademark-emblazoned product.


Coming to a T-shirt, running shoe, watch, and book bag near you: the Yahoo! logo.

Yes, it's true. The familiar Yahoo! logo will jump from the "pages" of the world wide web and soon appear on a variety of consumer products.

With a track record of generating over a billion dollars of revenue at the cash register from the sales of Sonic the Hedgehog-emblazoned paraphernalia, Sega will do what it can to turn the Yahoo! trademark into the emblem of choice among American consumers who wouldn't think of leaving home without their T-shirts, socks, running shorts, sweat shirts, or cross-training shoes properly adorned with the names of manufacturers clearly visible from across the schoolyard or shopping mall walkway.

Sega of America will act as the exclusive US merchandise licensing agent of record for Yahoo!, Inc. The three-year deal between the two was announced today by Sega of America. Cynthia Wilkes, Sega's licensing director will guide the effort and expects to see Yahoo!-emblazoned products in specialty department stores as early as next month.

Wilkes says the push "goes beyond the 'let's do some licensing' " mentality and should elevate the Yahoo! brand which already benefits from broadcast and print advertising considered by most to be top-notch.

Stationery, back-to-school items, sporting goods, watches, footwear, and consumer products are among the targeted products that will carry the Yahoo! logo.

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