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SDCC 2018: New Marvel Toy Features Infinity War's Big Surprise Character

Somehow, Red Skull seems a lot less frightening like this.


If you're feeling down about the Avengers not coming to Comic-Con, maybe the tiny version of one of their most menacing villains will lift your spirits. Hasbro recently announced that Red Skull will be added to itsMCU 10th anniversary collection and debut at San Diego Comic-Con 2018.

Red Skull, AKA Johann Schmidt, is played by Hugo Weaving in Captain America: The First Avenger. He is the head of HYDRA, an offshoot of the Nazi regime (though they were disillusioned with Hitler and Third Reich) that has plans to take over the world with the help of the power harnessed from the Tesseract. Red Skull got his name because he made one of his scientists use the experimental Super Soldier Serum on him before it was ready and the result was increased strength but also a deformed, red face. He also made a surprise appearance in Infinity War, despite being presumed dead after Captain America:The First Avenger.

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Carving all the details of Red Skull's face into a plastic figurine cannot have been easy, but they did a pretty great job. The toy includes the six-inch Red Skull figure, complete with his long villainous coat, along with the three-inch Tesseract. The Tesseract is a battery-powered blue cube that lights up in different colors. The packaging is pretty cool too; the design is retro looking and was inspired by Captain America:The First Avenger.

The figure retails for $60 and will make its exclusive debut at San Diego Comic-Con at the Hasbro booth #3329.

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