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Scarlet Nexus Gets New Story Demo Today

Nearly a year after launch, a story demo is now available.


Bandai Namco announced that the Japanese action RPG game Scarlet Nexus is getting a story demo today. Players can experience the first two chapters of the game's story and then progress can be transferred to the full game when purchased.

For those who complete the Story Demo, some in-game items will be rewarded once progress is transferred. Players will receive the Bunny Ear Mask (White) and OSF Standard Issue Pack (Black) attachments, as well as the Forcefield Mk II and Power Enhance: Mk II plug-in equippable upgrades.

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Now Playing: Scarlet Nexus Video Review

These rewards were also included in the Demo Edition of Scarlet Nexus last year, and those who already earned them there are not eligible to receive them again through the Story Demo.

In GameSpot's Scarlet Nexus review, Heidi Kemps said, "It might not be a new pinnacle of action-game storytelling, but Scarlet Nexus is still plenty of fun in the right places."

Scarlet Nexus launched on June 25, 2021, for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. It's also available to download and play through Xbox Game Pass.

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