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Saintvicious stepping down from Curse starting lineup, Bunny Fufuu to replace for Super Week

Brandon 'Saintvicious' DiMarco will be stepping down from the Curse starting lineup to be a part-time coach, with Michael 'Bunny Fufuu' Kurylo stepping in to play support during the NA LCS Super Week.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

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Curse Gaming has confirmed to onGamers that Brandon 'Saintvicious' DiMarco will once again be stepping down from the Curse starting lineup to be a part-time coach for the team, and a streaming personality for the Curse brand.

"I asked saint to help out and play a role that's not his main at a time of need for the team, we wanted it to work out but after a few weeks we realized that hes simply a much better jungler than he is a support", Curse Manager Steve Arhancet told onGamers. "He won't be playing competitively on the main team".

In regards to a possible return of DiMarco to the starting lineup later in the season, Arhancet said they would "play it by ear".

On February 4th of this year, DiMarco rejoined the Curse starting lineup to play the support role after moving into a coaching position shortly after the end of the Season 3 World Championships. After an opening win with DiMarco against Dignitas in Week 4, Curse has lost 5 out of their last 6 games to put them tied for 6th at the bottom of the NA LCS rankings.

Replacing DiMarco leading into this weekend's important Super Week will be Michael 'Bunny Fufuu' Kurylo after speculation of his arrival formed on his Lolking account. Arhancet says he hopes Kurylo to be a great fit and to continue for the remainder of the LCS.

"Over the last few days we've been scrimming some of the best teams in LCS with great results", said Arhancet. "We hope we can do our fans right by taking that into LCS this weekend".

George 'Zekent' Liu, who moved into a substitute/coaching role when DiMarco came back in February, has been helping the team with sponsorship management and will continue to be an assistant coach to Curse along with DiMarco. Arhancet believes the switch to Kurylo instead of bringing back Liu is the right move for the team.

"We hope that Bunny will prove to be a stronger player", he said.

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