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Ryan Reynolds Congratulates Avengers: Infinity War By Sharing Deadpool's Rejection Letter

"No. Absolutely not."


Deadpool has taken notice of the incredible success of Avengers: Infinity War--and he's responded in a way befitting of his character. Actor Ryan Reynolds, who plays the foul-mouthed, fourth wall-breaking character, posted a silly rejection letter from his application to the join the Avengers.

The letter signed by Tony Stark says, "No. Absolutely not. Go bother Prof. X. No." Reynolds also congratulated Disney on the success of Infinity War. He said, "From a guy who never knows when to quit, I'm glad you guys never did. Congrats Avengers."

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Now Playing: Deadpool 2 - Final Trailer

Deadpool exists within the Marvel universe, but the character doesn't show up in the MCU movies because Fox owns the rights to Deadpool the character. There may be some hope, however, as Disney is buying a large part of Fox, so Deadpool in an official MCU movie could happen down the track.

As for the Deadpool franchise, the David Leitch-directed sequel hits theatres in May. Among the new characters is Cable, who is played by Josh Brolin. Brolin played the antagonist Thanos from Infinity War.

Infinity War opened last week and has already made more than $600 million worldwide. With $250 million in the US and Canada alone, it surpassed Star Wars: The Force Awakens for the highest first-weekend ever in the history of movies.

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