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Roy Jones' Best Face

Sometimes a screen shot is worth a thousand words. Honestly, I can't think of too many things to add to the already extensive information found in our preview of Fight Night Round 2 (working title). If you're still craving some boxing action after reading all that, however, you probably should do...


Sometimes a screen shot is worth a thousand words. Honestly, I can't think of too many things to add to the already extensive information found in our preview of Fight Night Round 2 (working title). If you're still craving some boxing action after reading all that, however, you probably should do yourself a favor and check out the screen shots of the game. One in particular is just too good for words: I wonder if the great Roy Jones had this in mind when he signed away his likeness for the series.

Then again, judging by Jones' form in his last few fights, perhaps this isn't too much of a stretch...

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