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RIP Pete Franklin

Those who aren't an obsessive sports talk radio geek like me may miss this reference but it was announced today that legendary sports radio host Pete Franklin recently passed away. A fiery performer on the mic, Franklin was known as much for his hilarious abuse of callers as he was for his...


Those who aren't an obsessive sports talk radio geek like me may miss this reference but it was announced today that legendary sports radio host Pete Franklin recently passed away. A fiery performer on the mic, Franklin was known as much for his hilarious abuse of callers as he was for his controversial thoughts on team sports--one of the central tenets being that there was no such thing as a team; all sports were simply made up of a combination of individual performances; thus he had no time for popular abstract philosophies of teamwork and team chemistry. To Pete, concepts like this were so much hooie.

I remember listening to Pete back in high school when he hosted his show from WFAN in New York City. In 2000, Pete made his way out here to Northern California to broadcast from KNBR, our local sports station. While his stint was brief, his abrasive and entertaining style will not be forgotten. Pete Franklin was 76.

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