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Rewards coming for Xbox 360 achievements?

Source: Xbox fan site Unscripted 360, which picked up on a "partially torn document." The official story: Microsoft rep--"We have nothing to say about these rumors or speculation." What we heard: One of the more surprising innovations from Microsoft's Xbox 360 was the incorporation of achievement...


Source: Xbox fan site Unscripted 360, which picked up on a "partially torn document."

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The official story: Microsoft rep--"We have nothing to say about these rumors or speculation."

What we heard: One of the more surprising innovations from Microsoft's Xbox 360 was the incorporation of achievement points into gameplay. By accomplishing certain tasks in Xbox 360 games, players are awarded points that are amassed into a personal GamerScore, which spans all Xbox 360 games. The phenomenon has created "achievement point whores," friendly competition, a cash-for-points business, and a cutthroat race to the top of the leaderboards.

However, when all is said and done, achievement points amount to nothing but bragging rights among the geek elite. That's all about to change, if a post from Xbox 360 fan site Unscripted 360 is correct.

The Web site claims to have gotten hold of "a partially torn document" that gives information on an upcoming achievements-for-rewards program. According to the blog post, Microsoft has teamed up with some sponsors that would give a limited number of real-world prizes for in-game goals. The program will be free, requiring registration only, and will launch next month, according to the blog.

As far as credibility, the owner of the blog, who goes by the name DeaconBlade 360, is an Xbox Ambassador and was awarded the Microsoft MVP Award for 2007 in the Xbox category. He also adds a bit of drama to the post, saying, "I, along with a few others, are risking quite a bit bringing this explosive story to you!"

Microsoft isn't saying much about the program but did give a hint that it is at least thinking about it. "We have nothing to say about these rumors or speculation," a Microsoft representative told GameSpot. "However, what we can tell you is that Xbox is always exploring ideas for how we can reward our loyal customers. As soon as we have anything new to share, we will definitely let you know."

With the success of achievement points catching many off guard, it wouldn't be surprising if Microsoft were looking to cash in on them somehow, and a rewards program makes perfect sense. By signing on sponsors looking to tap the gamer demographic, Microsoft could find another easy source of income for little investment. The only question that remains is "What kind of schwag are we talking about for prizes?"

Bogus or not bogus?: Sounds not bogus, but definitely not confirmed...yet. x

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