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Retro Steel Panthers

Original Steel Panthers team returns to improve its game for redistribution.


The Gamers Net, an online Internet web page for computer war games, military simulations, and SP Camo workshops announced Tuesday the release of Steel Panthers: World War 2. The game was launched with the help and support of the original design team (Gary Grigsby and Keith Brors, as well as Brigham Hausman and Joel Billings at SSI).

This free expansion of sorts is almost a near-rewrite of the game engine, featuring major enhancements, more than 70 new scenarios, a refurbished database, new graphics and sounds, PBEM/encryption support, and more. The original game does not need to be loaded on the system, but either the Steel Panthers 2 or Steel Panthers 3 CD-ROM needs to be in the drive for the program to work.

Steel Panthers: World War 2 can be downloaded from The Gamers Net (link at right); the download is about 28MB.

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