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Retail Radar: US getting slim, silver PS2?

GameStop lists shiny new color for the slimmed-down PlayStation 2; current-gen console priced identically to black model at $129.99, dated for late October.


Though Japan and Europe are no strangers to having options when it comes to a console's colors, traditionally the selection of systems in the US isn't as varied. That trend has been changing lately, with the most recent announcement being alternate pink and black versions of the popular DS Lite.

It appears that another console manufacturer may be following suit, if a recent product listing on GameStop's Web site is to be believed. The site has a page for a Sony PlayStation 2 Silver Redesign, the same product that has been available in Japan and Europe since 2005.

The $129.99 console is listed as being available on October 24, just in time for the holidays and three weeks before the Wii and PlayStation 3 go on sale. The system is fairly bare-bones, packaged with no games and only one controller.

Sony had not yet responded to GameSpot's request for confirmation on the product's US availability as of press time.

Please note, while retailer listings frequently jump the gun on publishers' product announcements, they should not be taken as final confirmation of a game's existence, nor should the absence of a listing be considered as proof that a game isn't coming to a given platform.

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