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Reports: UFC fighter dropped over THQ game

Thanks to a reported dispute over an upcoming THQ game, a group of Ultimate Fighting Championship fighters are about to discover if the only thing tougher than going into the Octagon is being locked out of it. According to Yahoo! Sports and Sports Illustrated, welterweight contender Jon Fitch was...


Thanks to a reported dispute over an upcoming THQ game, a group of Ultimate Fighting Championship fighters are about to discover if the only thing tougher than going into the Octagon is being locked out of it.

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According to Yahoo! Sports and Sports Illustrated, welterweight contender Jon Fitch was cut from the mixed martial arts organization yesterday, and UFC president Dana White wants nothing more to do with the fighter or his fellow American Kickboxing Academy members. The dispute reportedly centered on licensing agreements for the upcoming UFC game published by THQ.

According to Yahoo, Fitch said he didn't want to sign away his name and likeness rights in a lifetime contract for the game. He said he tried to negotiate a shorter-term agreement, but the UFC refused to change its terms.

"I'm more than willing to work with them, but I don't see why we have to give up our whole lives for this," Fitch said. "Why not a time limit? If we did a 10-year deal with them, is that that unreasonable? I don't understand how this happened, honestly. It's tough."

As of press time, a THQ representative had not returned a request for comment.

[UPDATE]: In a quick reversal, Fitch and the UFC reached an agreement that will see the fighter stay with the company. According to USA Today, Fitch signed the deal after his manager reached out to UFC co-owner Lorenzo Fertitta. The fighter told the paper that the sticking point hadn't been so much about the licensing deal itself so much as White's demeanor in insisting it be signed.

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