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Red Dead Online's Latest Weekly Update Adds The Legendary Banded Gator

The new Legendary animal is available to hunt or sample for any Naturalists brave enough to attempt it.


Red Dead Redemption 2's latest weekly update continues the Naturalist theme by adding another Legendary animal for you to sedate or hunt in Red Dead Online. There are also new vanity items to purchase and a discount on Naturalist gear.

The cold-blooded Legendary Banded Gator is now roaming the swamps outside Saint Denis. You can maintain a safe distance and attempt to sedate the untamed beast for Harriet, or kill the primordial creature and bring its unique skin to Gus so he can craft you the striking new custom Banded Coat. Naturalists at rank five or above can tackle this new Sighting Mission by visiting any of Harriet's shops and requesting it from her available mission list.

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If you do decide to kill the Legendary Banded Gator and bring it to one of Gus' stores, any coat you craft this week will reward you with a Free Vest. Crafting anything at all will also get you 25 Free Trader Goods, while crafting a trinket will earn you a free Poncho.

The Legendary gator cuts an imposing figure.
The Legendary gator cuts an imposing figure.

Elsewhere, the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. catelogue adds several new items you can purchase from this week, including:

New Colorways:

  • Comstock Boots
  • Millard Boots
  • Heathland Chaps

New Items:

  • Hopsmere Cardigan
  • Mitehill Pants

Limited-Time Only Items:

  • Fernwater Coat
  • Hopeman Vest

There are also some new bonuses and benefits this week. Aspiring Naturalists can save five Gold Bars on the price of the Animal Field Guide, Legendary Animal Map, and Sample Kit. Meanwhile, there's 30% off on all Novice and Promising Naturalist items, and the Improved Bow.

Prime Gaming subscribers can also grab the following items:

  • Five free Legendary Animal Pheromones
  • 6,000 Naturalist XP
  • A free Wilderness Camp
  • A free Katata Coat crafted from the Legendary Elk hide

Players who connect to Prime Gaming before September 14 will receive a Free Icahi Coat made of the finest boar's hide, five Rewards for a free box of Nitro Express Ammunition, and a Reward for 50 rounds of Sedative Varmint Cartridges.

A new patch for Red Dead Redemption 2 was also rolled out this week on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, focusing on general stability and bug fixes.

In other Rockstar news, the studio has undergone some recent changes, with longtime writer and personality Lazlow Jones leaving the company. In addition to work on the Red Dead series, he also contributed to writing and voice work in Grand Theft Auto for the past 19 years.

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