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Reader Review Emblems Changing

Some of you may have noticed the disappearance of the Community Review emblems. We're actually in the process of totally redesigning how our review recognition system works, so in the future we'll be adding all-new emblems for our top reviewers. As such, the old emblems and ranking system no longer...


Some of you may have noticed the disappearance of the Community Review emblems. We're actually in the process of totally redesigning how our review recognition system works, so in the future we'll be adding all-new emblems for our top reviewers. As such, the old emblems and ranking system no longer apply, so out with the old! Stay tuned for more news on the review front in the coming weeks. (--Bethany)

Week of 3/20/06 - Fixes & Changes
Check out the latest fixes and changes that happened on the GameSpot website in this thread located in the Site Enhancements forum.  Some fixes mentioned are in relation to Private Messages, Unions, and a dash of Forums!

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