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Quentin Tarantino's Star Trek Movie Will Be "Pulp Fiction In Space"

"There's no science fiction movie that has this in it."


Quentin Tarantino had been reportedly attached to a Star Trek movie for some time, but until recently he had not commented on the rumors that he might direct it. But with Tarantino now on the publicity circuit for this month's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, the filmmaker has been specifically asked about this potential project.

Following recent comments about whether or not a Star Trek movie would count as his final film, Tarantino has now spoken to Deadline in more detail about fans could expect from it. In particular, he has taken exception to comments that Simon Pegg made about the film last year, when he told that it would not be "Pulp Fiction in Space."

As it turns out, that's exactly what it will be if it happens. "I will say one thing about Star Trek that I've been waiting for someone to bring up," he said. "I don't know if I'll do it or not. I've got to figure it out, but Mark [L. Smith] wrote a really cool script. I like it a lot. There's some things I need to work on but I really, really liked it. [But] I get annoyed at Simon Pegg. He doesn't know anything about what's going on and he keeps making all these comments as if he knows about stuff.

"One of the comments he said, he's like 'Well, look, it's not going to be Pulp Fiction in space.' Yes, it is! If I do it, that's exactly what it'll be. It'll be Pulp Fiction in space. That Pulp Fiction-y aspect, when I read the script, I felt, I have never read a science fiction movie that has this s**t in it, ever. And they said, I know, that's why we want to make it. It's, at the very least, unique in that regard. But there is a gangster element to what we're doing with the Star Trek thing that works out pretty good."

Smith, who also wrote the screenplay for the Oscar-winning The Revenant, wrote the screenplay based on an original idea from Tarantino. Rumors that Tarantino had an idea for a new Star Trek movie first appeared in January 2018. It was reported that he had spoken to JJ Abrams, who directed the first two Star Trek reboot movies, about the possibility of directing it.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and Margot Robbie, and releases on July 26. Check out the first trailer here.

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