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Quentin Tarantino Still Wants To Make A Star Trek Movie

"It's a very big possibility."


In one of the wilder and more unexpected pieces of film news in recent years, it was reported that legendary filmmaker Quentin Tarantino--who is known for his original scripts and creative control over projects--was attached to a new Star Trek movie that he would direct. With the future of the Star Trek series seemingly in question, it was believed that Tarantino may no longer be involved. But now, Tarantino says it could happen--but probably not soon.

"It's a very big possibility," he told SlashFilm.

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Tarantino has been busy with his next movie, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, so he hasn't caught up with Star Trek producers Paramount recently. However, he said the script for the new Star Trek has been written, and he expects to return to the project after he recovers from Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.

"I haven't been dealing with those guys for a while cause I've been making my movie," he said of his discussions with Star Trek's producers. "But we've talked about a story and a script. The script has been written and when I emerge my head like Punxsutawney Phil, post-Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, we'll pick up talking about it again."

In 2016, Tarantino said he only plans to make two more movies before retiring, so if he does make Star Trek, that could be his last movie. His eight previous movies were Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill: Vol. 1, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Inglourious Basterds, Django Unchained, and The Hateful Eight. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is his ninth.

Tarantino won Best Writing Oscars for Pulp Fiction and Django Unchained.

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is due in theatres on July 26. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and Margot Robbie, along with other huge names like Al Pacino, Kurt Russell, James Marsden, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Timothy Olyphant, Lena Dunham, Emile Hirsch, and Dakota Fanning. Bruce Dern came aboard the movie last year to play a part meant for Burt Reynolds who died in September 2018. Luke Perry filmed scenes for Once Upon A Time In Hollywood before his death in March.

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