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Quake Champions Open Beta Coming Very Soon

You'll be able to play Quake Champions as soon as this weekend.


Bethesda has revealed that Quake Champions will receive a "Large-Scale Tech Test," starting May 12.

The trial will last through May 21, and unlike a previous beta trial, this test period will be open to all, meaning everyone who signs up is free to play the game and share footage and screenshots online.

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Now Playing: Quake Champions – Debut Gameplay Trailer

In addition, a new team-based, 4v4 mode has been revealed. Titled Sacrifice, it challenges players to "work together to dominate the Arenas," and it will be playable for the duration of the approaching Tech Test. The company did not elaborate on what you'll actually have to do in Sacrifice, however.

To register, simply go to the official Quake website. It's unclear, however, whether beta sign-ups currently listed on the site refer to the upcoming Tech Test or to the previous closed beta. We'll likely learn more soon; Bethesda has promised more news "in the next few days."

Announced last summer, Quake Champions is a class-based first-person shooter. It's in development for PC only, though developer id Software has said a console release is not ruled out. We recently went with Quake Champions and walked away impressed--and reassured that its class system doesn't disrupt its classic Quake gameplay.

No release date has yet been announced for the free-to-play shooter; Bethesda has so far only said the game will launch for PC in "2017."

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