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Quake Champions Beta Will Get Australian Servers, Eventually

"I love my Australian fans, but y'all live on the other side of the world!"


The upcoming closed beta for Quake Champions will be available in Australia...eventually. id Software boss Tim Willits said in a new interview that servers in Australia will go live after North America and Europe.

"I love my Australian fans, but y'all live on the other side of the world!," Willits said in a new interview with IGN. "So we’re going to move into closed beta very soon, and we are working with a major server cloud company and so we are not spinning up Australian servers until a few weeks after we go into our closed beta, so don’t anyone get all upset down in Australia. We haven't forgot about you."

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Willits went on to say that modern technology has made it "much easier" to get servers online in Australia. "Way more easier than South America," he said.

"So no one panic in Australia, we got you guys covered," Willits added. "But we will get you in to the closed beta after we get our servers spun up in North America and Europe--but you guys are not far behind."

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The initial rollout of the Quake Champions beta will only be available for a "small group of people."

The Quake Champions beta begins on April 6 for the first wave of testers. If you haven't already, you can still sign up for the beta here.

We recently got to go hands-on with Quake Champions and walked away impressed--and reassured that its class system doesn't disrupt its classic Quake gameplay.

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