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Putting Poe in Apocalypse

Get the details on what it is was like working with rocker Poe on the set of Apocalypse.


GS News spoke with Activision producer John Spinale about the recent filming of rock singer Poe for the company's "End of the World" PlayStation actioneer Apocalypse, which she'll "virtually" star in with Hollywood action lead Bruce Willis. Here's what he had to say about the film session:

"Our goal in motion capturing Poe was to really bring our character Mary to life. For this session, we did both full-body motion capture and facial capture of her performing a song , which her character Mary will be performing in the game.

"We also captured her playing opposite Bruce's 3-D character, as his love-interest-turned-arch-enemy. I'm afraid you're going to have to wait a few months to see the virtual love affair...

"We really had a lot of fun doing this motion capture session, as Poe was great to work with and we had plenty of time to really play with each move and the delivery of each line. The final resulting motions are really wild. Now we're playing with the special effects which will turn her motion into that of the deranged horseperson Plague, and so far it's looking pretty incredible."

For more information on Apocalypse, be sure to look up the VGS preview and interview features on the game.

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