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PUBG Mobile Announces New Fog Of War Anti-Cheat System With Live Action Trailer

PUBG Mobile's anti-cheat system has created a huge drop in cheaters in specific regions.


PUBG Mobile has announced its new anti-cheat system, Fog of War. This new system will combat cheaters using wallhacks, and it has already seen a 50% decrease in cheating during its testing phase.

The newly placed system limits the information a player receives in-game to reduce their field of view to see through walls or other objects. It works by scanning all of the builds and terrains on the map, and by doing so, it can determine what the player sees. In addition to controlling what the player sees, it'll also send information back to the servers to the players blocking them from seeing through walls.

Fog of War was initially rolled with selected groups on specific maps. During its rollout, there was a 62% drop rate of cheaters in certain regions.

PUBG Mobile is a free-to-play mobile game. You can download it on the Apple App Store and Google Play.

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