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PS5 "V2" DualSense Controller Listing With Improved Battery-Life Appears Online

The new model will reportedly allow for up to 12 hours of gaming from a full charge.


With its wide selection of haptic feedback features, the PlayStation DualSense controller is one of the most advanced pieces of gaming gear on the market, as well as one of the thirstiest when it comes to its battery life. A new listing for a "V2" version of the DualSense might address that problem, as it looks like the peripheral will be getting an upgraded battery. Beyond the updated internals, the overall design and aesthetics of the controller remain unchanged.

According to product listings on Best Buy's Canadian and UK websites, this new version of the DualSense will offer an "exceptional 12-hour battery-life," a noticeable improvement on the current controller.

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Currently, a DualSense controller offers around seven to eight hours of battery life at best, although with more demanding games like Astro's Playroom, that figure tends to drop substantially. Best Buy also listed a charging station with "easy click-in charging" is included with this DualSense controller.

It's worth noting that Sony discounted its line of DualSense controllers heavily last year during several promotional events, possibly as a way to clear stock ahead of the DualSense V2's arrival.

Last year also saw the release of the DualSense Edge controller, although with the same battery as the regular model, its extra hardware drains power more quickly. Sony also ended 2023 with the release of a newer and slimmer PS5 console, that is now the default model available for consumers.

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