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PS2 peer-to-peer software released

MultiTerm releases a peer-to-peer middleware application for the PlayStation 2.


Japanese software developer MultiTerm has released a peer-to-peer (P2P) program for the PlayStation 2 called the MassPlayerSystem Dynalink for the PlayStation2. The program consists of a P2P module and a matching lobby module and comes with network code that connects users to each other. MassPlayerSystem Dynalink for the PlayStation2 is a middleware program designed for use in network games published by companies that license the software, and it's not meant for direct use by consumers for the same purposes as PC peer-to-peer applications, such as file sharing. MultiTerm states that its P2P library will help companies avoid having to invest massive funds toward servers and connections for game services, by utilizing the consumer's consoles and lines.

MultiTerm specializes in developing networking utilities and libraries for video games. The company is known for its online game server middleware MassPlayerSystem PlayerServer, which is already available for the PlayStation2 and the GameCube. This server package allows the user's console to act as a server, and it can be used in conjunction with the new P2P library.

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