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PlayStation VR Passes 1 Million Units Sold

That's up from 915,000 back in February.


PlayStation VR, Sony's virtual reality headset for PlayStation 4, has reached a new sales milestone. The company has now sold more than 1 million headsets, according to The Verge.

This is up from the 915,000 figure that Sony disclosed in February. The $400-$500 headset launched in October; one major new release was Farpoint, which came out in May.

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PlayStation executive Shawn Layden told The Verge that he expects PSVR sales to climb higher, remarking, "It's still just a million units." He added that sales should pick up this year as a result of Sony being able to better meet demand.

"We'll have freer supply in the marketplace," he added about availability in 2017. "We got to a point around Christmas where you would be hard-pressed to find VR anywhere. So we dialed back some of our promotional activity at that time because we didn't want to be promoting a platform for people to find out they couldn't get it."

Back in February, a report claimed that Sony was projecting PSVR sales to reach 1 million units by mid-April, so it seems like that was a success.

For more on the virtual reality headset, check out GameSpot's review.

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